a star becomes a hole / reflecting something that we held so dear/ the well becomes a mirror reflecting you and me….

Excerpt from a Poem for Stephen Thomas, Ode to Ishi by Carron Little


The transformation of public spaces that have been impacted by violence, sexism, and racism is at the heart of Carron’s practice working as an outdoor performance art practioner and cultural producer of the organization Out of Site artist collective. Carron’s process starts by listening to people’s stories and listening to place as she weaves poetry and performance together. Carron incorporates an extensive artistic practice building sculptures, drawings, and artefacts to develop each performance. All of these disciplines are used into her performances that have been defined as ‘an aesthetic of utopia’.

Over the last ten years Carron has been traveling and interviewing people who have had diverse experiences of the world. These interviews form a diverse collection of people poetry and have been composed into lyrical form with musicians and choirs. The social impact of re-writing the local narrative of place and performing it for the community is a unique gift Carron brings to each local context. The long-term impact of these projects in building support systems in communities, re-writing the local narrative of place, and facilitating trans-generational conversations that built bridges between diverse constituents is vital as we rebuild our communities in a post-pandemic era. Seminal civic engagement projects include Neighborhood Magic, Dream Minds, City Alive with Dreams and Spare Rib Revisited.

During the pandemic Carron adapted her processes of civic engagement to an online experience creating an interactive performance project for the community of Ludington, Michigan entitled Gie Ben Ilka Gill | To Give in Each Measure. This performance fuses public poetry with a specially commissioned new poem written in auld Scots.